Thursday, March 18, 2021

Healthy Sleep for Optimal Quality Life

Sleep is Most Effective yet undervalued routine in our  Life. 

Even if we eat perfectly healthy, and doing regular exercise but if there is no sleep/rest, we can not have a optimal health. 
If we are doing great in career, but that is not letting us to have sound sleep at night, it's an alarm that we need to spend most of money later for physical as well as mental illnesses. 

Sleep is the best, most economical and in hand solution to improve Digestion, Metabolism and Immunity. Sound sleep at night hours helps in cellular cycle and growth- (wearing off dead cells and forming new cells). This is the important process for healing, faster recovery of all body tissues, organs and organ system. 

Simple example to share here is our mobile battery. Can you continuously work on mobile or lap top without charging battery. And if you are working with its electricity connection on, can you touch the instrument. It's hot, right. There are maximum chance that battery will burst out. 

It's same thing with our body, body cell is like battery and we have millions of cells. We need to give them their space. 
And if we don't give, it leads to blood pressure issue (disturbed electrolytes balance), rise in body temperature, hormonal imbalance, mental confusion, mood swings, food craving. 

What is Healthy Sleep routine: Sleep after three hours of our last meal of the day. Sleep 8 hours before sunrise. 
I.e 10pm-6am is the right timetable. 
Afternoon nap of 15-20 minutes is also very important. 

- Post sunset meal should be easy to digest. 
- Take shower and get fresh. 
- Massage foot with ghee, coconut oil. 
- Gentle massaging the temples, neck. 
- Practice Pranayam. 
- Practicing yogasanas like shashankasan, hastpadasan, makarasan, shavasan are very effective. 
- Switch off from all digital screens. 
- Read religious /spiritual / self help / and academic books after dinner. 
- Listen to Mind soothing instrument music / classical music/ sound therapy mantras. 
- Supplements  ginkgo biloba is useful for healthy brain functioning
- Banana, milk with nutmeg powder and kesar are helpful to secret mind relaxing and happy hormone, serotonin. 

- Don't consume caffeine, alcohol, nonveg, fried food post sunset. It disturbs digestion and thereby sleep. 
- Reduce long afternoon nap. 
- Avoid watching and discussing scary, negative, thriller, crime things before bed time as they will have strong impact on subconscious mind. 

So in short, don't underestimate power of healthy sleep cycle. Sound sleep is a sign of happy mind and pure soul.


  1. Very well write up Prachi. Keep it up.
    I am not following many things mentioned above,will try to improve them. Thank you so much 😊👍
