Monday, February 22, 2021

Healthy Lifestyle Modifications for Woman

International woman's day is coming in two weeks, there are so many glamorous as well as education events happen then around the world. But that time men jokingly say, woman's day is every day.

                  Indeed its everyday and that's why, necessary "healthy lifestyle should be practiced daily for that everyday celebration of womanhood." What's say girls? 

Here is a checklist to consider for that healthy lifestyle modifications-

Key Nutrients:
Woman should include all macro as well micro nutrients. But considering emotional and physical demand, she should definitely include proteins, calcium, iron, omega3 fatty acids and vitamin D every single day. 

Key Yogasanas:
It's observed  that today thyroid gland issues, hyperacidity, ovarian cysts, anxiety are increasing in women. Considering this, Yogasanas like bhadrasana, paschimottanasan,  ushtrasan, shashankasan, vakrasan should be practiced daily.

Key strategies for Stress Management:
Reading spiritual books (different than religious books) and self help books improves our consciousness about life's true happiness and peace of mind, we learn to respond than react. (Reacting is emotional, responding is emotional intelligence).
       Learning pranayama is a must todo list for every woman for her both emotional and hormonal balance. (This secret is coming from my own benefit).

Considering above all keys, Health and Nutrition Coaching should be a "must" priority and best investment to ease the process of following them. 

Especially for - Teenage Girl, Before Planning Pregnancy, Working Mother, Menopause stage. 

Why it's so important:
-By Nature:-Right from teenage to elderly age, woman constantly goes through different bodily transformation, hormonal changes. 
- By Society and by herself:- Woman has to perform many responsibility at home front to take  care of every need of her children, spouse, elderly parents and inlaws, taking responsibility of kitchen and other housekeeping chores. 
- By herself and by increased economy need:- Woman needs to work for income for her own Identity, life purpose and most of the time to meet family's financial need. 
           These all responsibilities demands high from woman both physically, emotionally. Therefore her Nutrition & health needs special attention.

Key Points of Nutrition Coaching:
-Tips to Simplify life,  -Customized+Flexible+Nutritional Meal Plan, 

-Guiding on uncertainty in daily routine, 

-Guiding Mind body relaxation practices.

- Gets partner in fitness journey. 

- Refocusing and Prioritizing on her own health.
- Bone strengthening, Improving haemoglobin, stamina and immunity.
- Healthy Transition at different Lifestages.
- Controlling hair fall, joint pain, skin ageing.
- Looking and Feeling youthful lifelong. 

Write-up By Dietitian Prachi M. 

Contact- 9969326096

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