Sunday, August 23, 2020

Exercise – Opinion Vs Fact

It says “Either you make excuse or you make money”, same applies to Exercise and Fitness. We all know the importance of doing Exercise in our life. But either people don't do it or do it in an incorrect pattern.
 Over some time, I realized the reasons behind this is that people are having their own opinion as well as myths about the exercise and their whole definition of health is misplaced.
Here are few facts I would like to discuss as Fitness Coach, If you are one of those having some or other opinion or myths about Exercise, Lets clear that cloud, so everyone can start, start with the right mindset. 

# Opinion/Query/Excuse: I don’t have time to do the exercise 
Me: Today everyone is so much busy in their work and hectic life, that there is no time for themselves. So the solution here is to prioritize daily events and do some modification in the timetable. 
Here is the role of your decision and discussion with Fitness coach comes into the picture.
g. If you are getting up every day, say at 7 am, can you start getting up at 6:45 am and start with 5 to 10 minutes of exercise. A fitness coach can design a workout program depending upon your need and comfort. E.g.static stretches, dynamic stretches, resistance training, structural exercise, functional workout. The goal is TO START. If you do this consecutively for 30 days, do you know the compound effect of this? It's 150 minutes of exercise!! Surprised! From no time to 150 minutes. So just START.

# Opinion/Query/Excuse: A Teenager should not lift weights as weight training exercise stunts Height.
Me:   Height is majorly a genetic dependent factor which also influences hormones and your nutrition intake mainly Calcium, Protein and Phosphorus. Logically speaking, this is the phase when growth hormones, sex hormones are at their peak for overall growth and development of Body. Functional exercise and weight training exercise is proven to have a  boosting effect on all this. They also help to increase nutrients absorption that improves bone density. 

# Opinion/Query/Excuse: As a girl, I don’t do weight training because I don’t want to look masculine. 
Me: First thing is weight training is for musculoskeletal strengthening which is important for men as well as for women. Male hormones are responsible for Muscle hypertrophy in boys, therefore girls need not worry about this. Girls who are having hormonal imbalance would get great help with a weight training exercise.  

# Opinion/Query/Excuse: Today is my first day of exercise, let's start with heavy weights for faster results.
 Me:    Before giving a relative explanation, I would like to ask what would have happened if we had trigonometry in the first standard. I think you got my point clear. If we respect our mental system, we should go at the same pace as our physical system.
So many people are fired up or overexcited or having some time-bound goal. And on first day/week,  they think of lifting heavy weights or doing 100 squats or even do three-four hours exercise session will give them the quick result. But here, it's important to know, the reason for starting exercise should not be a quick fix treatment but to adopt it as a healthy habit for a lifetime. Lifting Heavyweights is, of course, gives a great effect, but it should not come at the cost of any injury.   
What’s the right intensity of weight and rep range in our first initial days depend on our current fitness level, our age, our fitness goal and medical history. Start the exercise which sustains long. 

Opinion/Query/Excuse:   I do simple walking because I worry that if I leave any kind Heavy Exercise then I'll gain more weight and skin sagging. 
Me: This fear is heard not only for Exercise but also for dancing, swimming and even doing Surya namaskar. 
As explained above, the purpose of exercise and starting with what's going to be sustainable is important at this point of discussion also. I feel, why we should start with a doubt that I will not continue with this particular exercise for longer. 
An important point of discussion here is, muscles help to hold our skin tighter. That means as long as we do any form of exercise, muscle tone and strength are going to get maintained. 
Any form of exercise mentioned above whether it is swimming or weight training or yogasana, tones muscle with their way. What does this mean, do exercise for your total health. Make a weekly schedule with the help of fitness coach, where you can do all kind of exercise so the fear of not doing an exercise (one kind) will not exist. 

✍️ by Aashish and Prachi M. Fitness and Nutrition Coach (9987521607/9969326096) 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vitamin D , Celebrity Vitamin

Media talks about it more, doctors ask to diagnose it often and dietitians recommend to intake it more.
I feel it deserves this attention.
As our body is standing straight only because of the musculoskeletal system. And vitamin D is the core nutrient in this system.
Now you will say I take enough calcium for my bones. That's great, but without vitD, calcium can not be absorbed and utilized in the body.
Same as we need keys to open lock, calcium needs vitD.
                Vitamin D is essential for the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, immune system and endocrine system. So now you will understand the importance of eating Dairy products, eggs, organ liver, Fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, cod liver oil and vitD supplements. The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight. That's why it's called as the sunshine vitamin.
This vitamin is made from cholesterol in your skin when it’s exposed to the sun. That’s why getting enough sunlight is very important for maintaining optimal vitamin D levels. (However, too much sunlight comes with its own health risks.)
Although we have enough supply of sunlight, because our lifestyle, darker skin (more melanin) cloudy weather, dust pollution,  indoor working pattern, people in metro cities are not able to get enough sunlight. Low levels of Vitamin D  is a common deficiency amongst people nowadays.

If you are experiencing either or all symptoms like Getting Sick or Infected Often, feeling fatigued and Tiredness, Bone and Back Pain, muscle cramps, depression.... do not ignore them by just taking pain killer or antibiotics. Visit the nearest diagnostic centre and check your vitD level. I'll also recommend doing a BMD test to understand the level of bone loss happened if any.
Visit physician, dietitian and fitness expert to start recovering vitD and bone loss.

Few Tips to Avoid VitD deficiency
- Start including but D rich food sources in daily diet.
- chose calcium supplements which have magnesium and vitD also
- as UV rays are not good as long-term exposure, go for a  walk or open space exercise between 8-11 am when you actually able to have mid-morning sun rays on your skin (without putting SPF lotion) which can serve both purposes - physical activity as well as Vit D synthesis beneath the skin.
(wearing a sleeveless or short sleeves top - shorts for 10–30 minutes three times per week during the summer should be sufficient for most people with lighter skin. People with darker skin may need a bit longer than this. But make sure to wear sunglasses and a hat.)