Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vitamin D , Celebrity Vitamin

Media talks about it more, doctors ask to diagnose it often and dietitians recommend to intake it more.
I feel it deserves this attention.
As our body is standing straight only because of the musculoskeletal system. And vitamin D is the core nutrient in this system.
Now you will say I take enough calcium for my bones. That's great, but without vitD, calcium can not be absorbed and utilized in the body.
Same as we need keys to open lock, calcium needs vitD.
                Vitamin D is essential for the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, immune system and endocrine system. So now you will understand the importance of eating Dairy products, eggs, organ liver, Fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, cod liver oil and vitD supplements. The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight. That's why it's called as the sunshine vitamin.
This vitamin is made from cholesterol in your skin when it’s exposed to the sun. That’s why getting enough sunlight is very important for maintaining optimal vitamin D levels. (However, too much sunlight comes with its own health risks.)
Although we have enough supply of sunlight, because our lifestyle, darker skin (more melanin) cloudy weather, dust pollution,  indoor working pattern, people in metro cities are not able to get enough sunlight. Low levels of Vitamin D  is a common deficiency amongst people nowadays.

If you are experiencing either or all symptoms like Getting Sick or Infected Often, feeling fatigued and Tiredness, Bone and Back Pain, muscle cramps, depression.... do not ignore them by just taking pain killer or antibiotics. Visit the nearest diagnostic centre and check your vitD level. I'll also recommend doing a BMD test to understand the level of bone loss happened if any.
Visit physician, dietitian and fitness expert to start recovering vitD and bone loss.

Few Tips to Avoid VitD deficiency
- Start including but D rich food sources in daily diet.
- chose calcium supplements which have magnesium and vitD also
- as UV rays are not good as long-term exposure, go for a  walk or open space exercise between 8-11 am when you actually able to have mid-morning sun rays on your skin (without putting SPF lotion) which can serve both purposes - physical activity as well as Vit D synthesis beneath the skin.
(wearing a sleeveless or short sleeves top - shorts for 10–30 minutes three times per week during the summer should be sufficient for most people with lighter skin. People with darker skin may need a bit longer than this. But make sure to wear sunglasses and a hat.)

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