Saturday, November 23, 2024

Anti Obesity Awareness Day

Anti Obesity Awareness Day 26th November

Obesity = 
BMI above 30 +.
Women waist measurements 35"+ and
 Men waist measurements 40 "+ . 

Two Types of Obesity - Apple Shape and Pear Shape. 

🔴Potential Risks -
One of the root cause for All metabolic and musculoskeletal Diseases. 

📝Key Points to consider for reversing obesity. 
👉Its Psychosomatic Disorder which requires sustainable lifestyle modification with holistic approach. 

👉Do step by step changes in habits and behaviour than extreme approaches at exercise and diet. 

👉It's going to be a journey of minimum 1 year. Keep patience and dedication. 

👉Following diet plan or exercise is a superficial approach unless we work on emotional, mental, social wellbeing. NLP, meditation, pranayam, spiritual practice therefore very important. 

👉Learning healthy eating principles like food portion, proportion,combination , timetable and nutrition science of macro, micro nutrients is important than blindly following diet plans. Nutrition coaching plays very important role towards this learning. 

👉Calorie balance is a solution. Calories get used in four ways; involuntary functions of body, voluntary activities that we do, fitness exercise and digestion of food. 
Accordingly we need to plan lifestyle modifications. 

👉Quick fixes like fat burning dugs/supplements/ surgeries are temporary solution without lifestyle modifications. We may lose some weight but body, skin still remains out of shape.

Consultation📞 9869418158
Aashish & Prachi Managute
Fitness Coach and Dietitian / Nutritionist

Monday, November 4, 2024

Healthy Attitudes for Healthy Lifestyle

Attitude is Everything even at our Fitness Journey; to start, to continue and to improve in it. 

The way we think, feel, behave or view at something defines our Attitude.
Each one of us has an internal voice, we talk to ourselves. That's the Attitude, that's what we believe. 

Attitude is important because it can impact our success in life, in relationships, and in ability to achieve our goals. 

There is not a single person who will say, he doesn't want to be fit and healthy. 
But when we observe around, 50% people start, 25% people sustain and hardly 5% people progress in healthy habits required for the same. 

Results are different because of difference in attitude of people.
We are the producer, director, script writer of our own mental movie. 

Here are few Attitudes that are essential to start and to remain consistent for fitness journey. 

Being teachable is about becoming humble and open minded to receive information what is opt right now. 

It's about coming out from our perception, our position and enter into the role of a student and surrender ourself to learning from health coaching process. 

There is clutter of information in digital world, therefore unlearning that clutter and deep learning what process is teaching us to become knowledgeable about subject, about our own body. 

It's a journey from what I don't aware what I know and then to become wise about decisions for whats important for me now.

2. Adaptable/ Willingness to Change

We can not expect new outcome with old method. 

New habits need room to get accommodated, they either come in place of old habits or we need to create space for the same. 

We should be adoptable for making these changes.

3. Focused
When we get laser focused on the process for certain timeline, produces results. Take example of board exams. 

We can not succeed by keeping all options open and keeping oneself available everywhere. Focus can help us to prioritise our options towards reaching our goal.

Some key points are - 
- Focus on process more than results.
- Focus on learning. 
- Focus on thinking about improving Health and not discussing Diseases. 
- Focus is where our energy flows.
- Focus on self and not comparing with others is also very important.

4. Clarity
What we want is important, but more important is what we don't want in life. 

When we start or when we are already following healthy habits, it's important to understand why are we doing it. 

Also a point to note here; what we don't want should be put in affirmative belief.
 E.g. I want to achieve /maintain healthy body weight because I want to live physically, emotionally independent lifelong. (And not to say I want to lose weight, because I don't want to depend on medical treatment). 

Clarity about differentiating between important and urgent tasks is also important. 
E.g. when we need to skip exercise because of some office work. Both are important, but here we need to see whether office work is urgent or can get postponed little.

5. Patience
Everyone's journey is different. We should respect our own process, our body and time it is taking to get adjusted with new habits and produces expected results. 

We should start celebrating habits and process more than results. 

In outside world we see only success but rarely know time and amount of efforts one has put to reach there. And therefore we are programmed to focus on results and get impatient quickly if it gets delayed.

Patience helps to enjoy the process and helps to get desciplined towards that.

6. Dedication:
Focus and Dedication go along hand in hand, but dedication is extra efforts till we get satisfaction about our own efforts. 

E.g. Even if we feel like skipping a day of exercise, we make sure to do it anyhow. 

Dedication comes with purpose /mission / goal. 

It's a willingness to give required time and energy towards that purpose.

Visionary about goal comes with clarity of mind. Goal can be short term, mid term and long term goal.

 Being visionary for long term goal brings dedication. 

E.g. For me, Achieving healthier body weight is a short term goal. Remaining regular to exercise for improving body toning is a mid term goal. Improving holistic fitness for enjoying life to the fullest like professionally remain active, performing dance, going for trekking, enjoying holidays lifelong is a long term goal. 

Long-term goal matches with a Life Purpose. 

We should be visionary about what is a realistic goal for us and what is sustainable process towards that.

8.Taking Ownership
Every goal comes with responsibility to take up all the work it needs. 

Person can either make excuses or does progress. 

Blaming situation, work, people around for not eating right or not exercising is an attitude of failure. 

We need to take up ownership of our health, and put all efforts to find solutions for developing all required habits.

9. Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude is a magic.

 Gratitude for being alive today. Gratitude for Mind & Body that we have. Gratitude to ourself for taking care of self. 

Gratitude for food we eat and people who are taking all the efforts to get it available in front us. 

And gratitude for everything that's directly and indirectly contributing to improve our Health and Fitness.

Emotional energy of Gratitude vibrates at 540mhz power, it unblocks energy flow/prana within and around us.

This concludes the list of few attitudes which I am feeling important towards making change for healthier us. 

Never underestimate our power to change ourself. A positive attitude is a person's passport to a better tomorrow. Let's do it. 


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Mother's Nutrition & Health Care

Nutrition & Fitness Needs for Mothers at Different Stages

🙎🏻‍♀️ Planning Pregnancy
# Goal- Improving cellular health of reproductive organs system. Nutrition care should start at least six months before pregnancy planning. 
# Key Nutritional Need- Increase in micronutrients especially Iron & Folic Acid, focus on maintain Healthy Body weight. 
# Fitness Need - Core Muscle Strengthening, Structural Exercises should be focused more. Yogasans like Badhakonasan, Malasan and Mulbandha are helpful towards nurturing reproductive organs. 

🤰🏻 Expecting Mothers
# Goal - Healthy growth & development of the fetus. Avoid nutrition deficiency during & post pregnancy. Prevent gestational diabetes, blood pressure, constipation and UTI. 
# Key Nutritional Need- Additional nutrition dense calories & proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, maintain healthy body Weight. Drink enough fluid. Avoid empty calories. Ensure enough intake of Calcium, zinc, chromium and Iron rich food to avoid pregnancy craving. Look for healthier food options to satisfy these cravings if any. 
# Fitness Needs - Low intensity exercises in supine, sitting and standing positions are safe and important to do under expert for maintaining strength and flexibility of muscle. Hip & Pelvic opening asana practice is helpful to ease natural child birth. Calf muscle exercise and restorative asan like resting legs up on the wall is helpful to avoid bloated feet. 

  🤱🏼 Nursing Mothers 
# Goal- Assist breast milk production, maintain the nutrition status of the mother. 
# Key Nutritional Need- Additional nutrition dense calories, fluids & proteins. Including galactogogues in diet. 
# Fitness Needs - Resuming to exercise is dependent on your fitness status and type of delivery. 

  👩‍👧‍👦 Who are Mothers 
# Goal- Prioritizing self nutrition & meal timing. Maintain healthy body weight. Learn to simplified menu planning that takes care of family's nutrition needs in lesser time consumption. 
# Nutrition and Fitness Needs - same like working mothers👇

👩‍💻 Working Mothers 
# Goal- Learn smarter & healthier meal options that take care of increased demands of both mind & body. Learn work life balance. 
# Key Nutritional Need- Healthy, simplified and Balanced meal. Increase calcium, iron, vitamin B complex, proteins intake.  Mental and Emotional wellbeing is most important at this stage than any other time. 
# Fitness Needs - Removing dedicated one hour atleast 3-4 days a week from all responsibility is need of a time for doing exercise. Intelligent Exercise Schedule is important which can improve all fitness components like Strengthening, Flexibility, Endurance by dedicating just 3-4 hours weekly. 

Organic Nutrition Supplements along with food sourses is very important to ensure optimal nutrition intake in today's age. 
Taking time out for Physical Fitness Exercise and Meditation for emotional Fitness is very important at all these stages. 

Mentally, Emotionally and Physically Fit Mother is sowing the seed of wellbeing for her next two generations. 

(**This is general information, customization required as per individuals health status) 

Short write-up by Dietitian & Health Coach Prachi A. Managute

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Kidney Diet

Kidney Diet

*March - National Kidney Health Awareness Month*

*Functions of Kidneys-*
- Kidneys are filters of body that remove waste, toxins & extra water through urine.
- regulate blood pressure
- converts vit D into its active form & control production of RBCs.

*What Impairs Kidney Functions- (CKD, Renal Stones, Gout)*
- High Blood Sugar
- Hight blood Pressure
- Obesity
- Acidic Blood pH 
Lifestyle factors like
- Overusing painkillers
- Inadequate water intake
- Alcohol & Smoking Binge
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Over Eating of Processed Meat & Food.

*Preventive Nutrition Therapy for Renal Care Helps to*
- Maintain alkaline blood pH 
- Regulate blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
- Incorporate Healthy Lifestyle
- Achieve Healthy Body weight
- Initiate Healthy cellular cycle 
All these over a period of time improves renal function & reduces metabolic waste burden on it.

*Short note by Prachi A. Managute*
Dietitian & Health Coach

Nutrition Care for Liver Health

Know it's Importance
          - Liver is like water filter / purifier of Fats, Hormones & Medicines.
        - It is one of the organ to metabolize Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins.
Unique Feature
👉Good news is Liver repairs & regenerates it's tissue. Therefore unlike kidney, liver disease of earlier stage can be reversible if we address its care in a holistic way.

👉But with age as well as with increasing pollution and unhealthy lifestyle, it's regeneration efficiency deteriorates.

👉Few metabolic issues when we forget to look into Liver Care. But if we focus on liver tissue repair & regeneration, we can reverse these problems :
 1. High Cholesterol
As liver loses its efficiency to metabolize fats, cholesterol remains unfiltered showing high level in blood lipid profile.
We try to manage cholesterol with medicines and by reducing cholesterol food. But it remains either temporary or unresolving solution.

 2. Vit.D Deficiency
Liver plays important role in vitamin D synthesis into its active form. Therefore only vit. D dosage is not useful unless liver is able convert it into its functionally active form. 

 3. Indigestion Issues like Bloating, Constipation
 Liver takes care of all Macronutrients & most of Micronutrients metabolism, activates digestive enzymes. Functional inefficiency of liver may leads to digestive tract imbalances.

 Key Lifestyle Care for Liver is therefore important when we experience these metabolic problems or rather Prevent them to occur

# Take Liver detox or nourishing herbs like turmeric, milk thistle. They are tonic to liver cells. They can reset it's functions.

# Correct Sleep timetable accelerates cell repair. 

# Reducing processed / packed food that have some or other artificial chemical.

# Avoid Alcohol.

# Avoid OTC Drugs usage without physician's prescription.

# Maintain Healthy Body Weight.

# Practice Yogasan like backward bending, twisting.

- Short Write-up By Prachi A. Managute
  Dietitian and Health Coach

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Making Mind our Friend and not Foe for Health

               Spirituality guides that our outer world is mirror of our inner world.

               The WHO constitution states:"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

            Ayurveda talks about Aachar (Behaviour), Vichar (Thoughts) before Ahaaar (Food) & Vihaar (Exercise, Sleep) as pillars of Holistic Health.

                 Yama (moral discipline),

Niyama (observances) are first two limbs from the Eight Limbs of Yog. 

So by putting all principles together here is a writeup that tries to explain how the state of mind and state of body are reasons and results of each other. 

Every Thought has Emotions and Emotions vibrate Energy. Reflection of thinking thereby our Emotions towards Money (we earn & spend), towards People (inner circle as well as outer circle), towards Work (As a student, as a homemaker as well as a professional) and towards self is seen on Our Physical Health. 

Unhealthy Emotions like....Having Jealousy, Insecurity, Fear, Pain, Comparison, Competition, Anger, Possesiveness, Untruthful, Ego with people around. 
Being Stingy, Geedy, Mindless towards Money. 
Having lack of confidence, Greed, Doubt, Unhappiness, Indesciplined towards Work we do. And unhealthy relationships with self like low self-esteem, guilt, painful past memories... 

These emotions create an unhealthy energy flow inside (prana through nadis) and outside our body (aura) . These energy blockages, blocks Energy Chakra (seven chakras where nadis meet). 
In modern medicine they are our endocrine system, which controls all our body systems like Digestive, Excretory, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal, Nervous and Immunity. 
Energy blocks at chakras therefore also responsible for dysfunctioning one or more of these system functions. 

In yogic philosophy from texts like PatanjaliPatanjali Yogsutra, Psychosomatic Disorders concept is explained on the same note where Mind Body Yog given prominence.  
My Blog on same-

                    When we see disturbances at any of Somatic (Body) level ranging from even a smallest signs like acne to major signs like Hypothyroid, type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, PCOD, Arthritis....Also when we are unable to sleep on time, tend to wake up late, unable to control food cravings, having hunger pangs, feeling laziness that skips exercise...fear / inhibitions to adopt new healthy habits, having addictions like smoking, alcohol intake...Then, Only Diet & Exercise don't help. 

We feel it's hereditary or nowadays it's common to have these ailments and think that they are the reason for getting other related dysfunctions as well as emotional imbalances. 
E.g. Because of PCOD I have mood swings, because of hypothyroidism I'm short tempered, because of Diabetes I get anxious, etc. 
And unaware to see them as results of emotional distress and then get caught into its vicious cycle of Psychosomatic Disorder / Syndrome. 

Spiritual guidance through spiritual coaches, practicing meditation & pranayam, life coach counseling will be helpful to recognize hidden emotional baggage. And then releasing them through supreme knowledge guidance &  counseling will start improving our emotional wellbeing and we feel healthy inside out. 

There are different practices like Neuro Linguistic Program Techniques, Psychological Counseling, Spiritual Practices like Rajyog meditation, Inner engineering, Sudarshan kriya, etc. developed through spiritual coaches, reading their books, videos have shown remarkable changes towards Resourceful Emotion, Behavioral Modifications, Healthy Thinking and even Reversing Metabolic Disturbances by mass population including us. 

This shift then helpful to follow lifestyle modifications like correct sleeping cycle, healthy eating and exercise discipline in an easier, sustainable way. 

This writeup is summary from our recent learning through courses like NLP, Mind Body Partnership with Disease, Yogic Philosophy and readings books of spiritual coaches like BK Shivani, Gaur Gopal Das & Sadguriji.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Build a Fitness Legacy for your Family #FathersDay

Men's health is generally less talked about by awareness programs and by themselves than women's health. This is the observation from my professional experience of 16 + years. 
In this short write-up, I have tried to explain about-
Mistakes and Misconceptions men have about healthy habits and lifestyle modifications, especially in the context of fathers and prospective fathers. 

# Exercise:
- There is a proverb in the Marathi language "Khaeen tar tupashi nahi tar upashi". This Means either I'll have food cooked in ghee Or I'll better stay hungry. 
What does this mean here, men feel either they' 'll do Gymming Or do Nothing. So in between paths like yogasan, body-functional workouts are ignored or looked at them as feminine exercise. 
- Few remove some time for walking or swimming or some sports, but as their flexibility and strength were not focused most end up getting injuries. 
- Biggest population of men, just don't do exercise as they have no time for that. But this is the population either sitting 24*7 or are on their toes in field jobs travelling around 8 to 12 hours a day. This stiffness and exhausted body is actually starving for good exercise. 

# Healthy Eating:
- Women's mind is programmed to be body conscious. Also as they start showing hormonal disturbing signs at a younger age, it becomes a need for them to start eating correctly.
             But men on the opposite metabolically have high BMR, don't face any signs of hormonal imbalance, have stronger muscular skeletons and do not so look conscious; don't create a need to eat right. 
- Unless blood profile reports show warning signals or waistlines start increasing after age 40, or when someone from their social circle gets a heart stroke; men don't start focusing on correcting their food habits. 
- Most men don't have cooking skills and families don't expect them to learn. They don't take responsibility to plan or cook their healthy diet; when they need to stay outstation for work. 

# Positive Mindset and Peace of Mind
- To put this straight, as it's been nurtured to say "Mard ko Dard nahi hota", men take their mental health for granted. 
- Today's working fathers are equally vulnerable as working mothers. And this is worst in nuclear families. The stress level of working fathers is an undercurrent reason for stroke, diabetes, etc. 
- But unfortunately, the solution for men to fix this stress is lunch time smoking and (+ or) peg of whiskey (or any alcohol) after dinner or on the weekends. 

Metabolic Health Issues which majorly Men start facing especially when they are Young Fathers:-
Gall bladder or Kidney stones, Gout, Hernia, Fatty Liver, Prediabetes, Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Abdominal Obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 

Lifestyle Modifications For Working Fathers:-
- Smoking and Alcohol addiction need therapy. Take it before it becomes non-effective. They are a silent killer. 
- Learn and participate in healthy menu planning; if not for family but at least for yours. Learn basic cooking skills that minimize your dependency on outside food. 
- Reduce socializing over food. Excess empty calories every week increase visceral fat and digestion issues. 
- Dedicate weekly at least three hours for holistic fitness (Strength, Endurance, Flexibility). 
- Learn and Practice Meditation and Pranayam for inner calmness and bliss. 
- Simplify life to reduce unnecessary stress. 

         Remember, Alongside being an income earner, father is a role model and emotional support for his family's health. His every health choices make the destiny of his family. Every family deserves a healthy & fit father figure. Father's Health is the true Wealth of his Family. Value it.