Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nutriion for special situations

A Job Interview
Yogurt – because it helps bring about proper nerve impulses
Amla/lemon juice –
Rich in vitamin C that can reduce levels of stress hormones while strengthening the immune system. Blood pressure and cortisol levels returned to normal more quickly by taking 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C before a stressful task.
Green banana 

It contains tryptophan that is a precursor of serotonin. This is an excellent antidepressant.
Black tea –
Black tea can help you recover from stressful events more quickly

The Big Meeting/Presentation
Blueberries -
A daily blueberry fix can help you do away with those shaky-cue-card hands, report researchers at the UK's University of Reading. In another study, aged animals fed the blue gems for 12 weeks saw a 26 per cent increase in memory performance.
Walnuts/flax seeds –
These foods are rich Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are a major component of the grey matter of the brain and can improve brain activity.

Boiled Potato / boiled sweet potato / banana / grape juice / glucose powder –
The key ingredient is glucose, which boosts people's cognitive performance. Glucose fuels the brain and makes the brain always ready to learn more.
Almond –
It improves memory and strengthens it many folds.

Before You Hit The Gym
45 minutes before exercise à
Chapati / whole wheat bread / rolled oats –
Source of complex carbohydrates.
A slow-release carbohydrate with low to moderate Glycemic Index.
Maintain blood glucose and steady insulin levels throughout the weight training session.

Skimmed cow’s milk / Whole egg –
Supply amino acids for energy use during weight training to spare the breakdown of muscle protein for obtaining the same amino acids throughout the workout.

Milk, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, legumes / B complex capsule –
To optimize energy production and release.

Coloured vegetable juice –
Rich in antioxidants that help in fighting stress inducing free radicals.